Introspective Hypnosis

Introspective Hypnosis

What exactly is Introspective Hypnosis?

Introspective Hypnosis is a method based on Aurelio Mejias techniques that have been proven to treat different conditions in just one session. I am a certified practitioner of this technique. Introspective Hypnosis combines different techniques:

The method that combines Ericksonian hypnosis techniques is enhanced by spirituality and the dynamics of forgiveness, in order to achieve behavioral changes, as well as to receive and resolve psychosomatic answers towards relief to the patient. This therapy can be used to treat various behaviors, such as phobias, fears, angst, sadness, anxiety, anorexia, bulimia, low self-esteem, insecurities, complexes, migraines, obesity, obsessive-compulsive disorders, allergies, and/or addictions.

Why Does Anyone Need a Hypnosis Session?

The human body is a big repository of repressed emotions, which are stored in our subconscious waiting for us to deal with them. When no special attention is paid to them, they start manifesting as physical symptoms: tension, headaches, pain, cancer, etc. Those emotions could have been very well generated in this life or a previous one.

Hypnosis Myths:

People coming for a hypnosis session might have some questions about what hypnosis really is. Let’s review the myths and facts about hypnosis:



Benefits of hypnosis

How to Schedule a Hypnosis Session facilitated over the internet on your computer or in-person:

All hypnosis sessions are scheduled via email.


Online sessions are $150 with a 50% deposit required at the time of booking. All deposits are made via the internet using a credit card and processed through PayPal. The rest of the payment is due before your session by pressing the Contact link below on this website(Pricing). Submit your 50% deposit ($75) immediately after the appointment is accepted. Appointments will not be held without a deposit. You will receive an email with the confirmation with the link to the Zoom online meeting room

Please note:


Your deposit will be refunded if the cancellation is made up to 3 days before your session. A $10 processing fee will be charged and deducted from the refund. If the session is canceled within 3 days of your session or you do not show up for your appointment, the deposit will not be returned. Please be aware that your appointment will be canceled if you are 10 minutes late for your appointment.

Preparation for in-person Hypnosis Session:

Everything that you need will be provided at the location. Preparation for Your Online Hypnosis Session

Equipment needed:

Advise for a successful session :

Your intention to have a great session is key! What we will be doing is hypnosis and I will dive deep into personal issues which do not get posted on social media. This is about working on YOU so set an intention to release energetic blockages that have been holding you back. Be sober. Please do not take any drugs to relax you. No alcohol, marijuana, or relaxation pills. Hypnotherapy is about connecting with your emotions and this cannot be accomplished if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Prescribed medications from your doctor should not be stopped but be aware that antidepressants will affect the ability to go into a hypnotic trance and/or connect with emotions. Before the hypnosis session, I spend time getting to know you, review your issues and spend some time discussing what to expect and not to expect. The actual hypnosis session takes place after the discussion. Your session is a private session. It is a place where both you and I need to feel completely safe and that your confidentiality in all matters is observed. Because of this, no one else is permitted in the room or listening over the phone or other device during your session. During our session together I will be focusing on connecting with your emotions so you do not need to be relaxed. It is normal to be nervous before a session so just close your eyes and bring your awareness to your breath and then to any part of your body where you notice the tension.


    by my own free will, sign this waiver and accept all risks and I am perfectly aware that Ramona Manea will be the person  conducting the therapy sessions associated with hypnosis. Ramona Manea is NOT a licensed Physician, NOR is she a licensed Psychiatrist and she CANNOT diagnose NOR treat any type of physical or mental disorders. I fully understand that these hypnosis sessions are solely for educational and/or emotional enrichment. I also understand that any suggestions made during any session are part of a personal motivational and educational goal and it’s only of informational character. Ramona Manea DOES NOT pretend to be a licensed professional in Medicine or in any medical field and she is NOT a Mental Health specialist.

    With this document, I waive any claim to personal injury liability that may be the end result of any hypnosis therapy session. I also agree that Ramona Manea assumes NO responsibility for the results of this therapy process, NOR does she guarantee its final outcome or effectiveness

    I certify that I am a competent adult of legal age and I assume all risks and complete responsibility in the final outcome of this therapy. I am also voluntarily signing this consent form with my full legal name. This waiver and acceptance of risk is effective as of today and it can’t be revoked, altered, modified, annulled or invalidated, without the prior written consent of Ramona Manea. 

    Full Name: Date of birth:

    Street Address: City : Zip Code :

    Home Phone:. Cell Phone: .

    E-Mail :

    Patient’s Signature:

    (If the Patient is underage, the Parent’s or legal Guardian’s signature is required for legal consent of treatment).


    By signing this document, I understand that this, as well as any future therapy sessions will be recorded by audio and/or video means. This is strictly for safety purposes and will also serve as a learning tool. At the end of each session, I understand I will receive a copy of any audio and/or video recordings made and the original recording will become the exclusive property of Ramona Manea. These recordings will be held in strict confidentiality, except when the patient DOES NOT want to share the session in an anonymous way to promote the therapy methods developed by Aurelio Mejía (Introspective Hypnosis) Ramona Manea will NOT be held responsible and is free of any liability due to damages caused through the unlawful use of any audio and/or video recordings made during of any therapy sessions, if posted or published on the Internet, by the Patient or third parties associated with or related to the Patient.

    Full Name:  

    Date :


    By signing this document, I understand that I have carefully read and understood all the clauses of this document and I make the commitment to abide by all its clauses. My signature also means that I will have the opportunity to request clarification of any doubts that I may have about this subject and that I will be provided with answers in a satisfactory manner.

    Full Name:
    Date :

    Patient’s Signature: .



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